My Blog Has Moved
I have moved my blog over to wordpress. Sorry to all of you who are bookmark challenged :) but I won't mention any names.
My random thoughts about family, life, God and other important things in my life.
I have moved my blog over to wordpress. Sorry to all of you who are bookmark challenged :) but I won't mention any names.
On the return trip back to Port-au-Prince, we traveled through the other side of town. We thought we had seen poverty the day before, but we were wrong. These pictures don't do justice to the scope of the homelessness and the vast shanty-town dwellings that spread as far as the eye could see, nor to the scope of dire helplessness and hopelessness that you could see on the faces of people as we drove down the street. We were told that Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere and that it rivals that of many African countries.
Well, we did make it back home safely on Tuesday after a prolonged stay courtesy of American Airlines :) They were nice enough to put us up in a hotel in Miami for about 5 hours since we had a 6 hour delay due to mechanical issues in Haiti and then missed our connecting flight out and had to reroute on Tuesday. I couldn't help but think of the people we had left in Haiti, and how grateful I was to be returning to so much, so how could I complain! We kept a positive attitude and enjoyed some down time in the airports.
For those that don't know, I am in Haiti for a few days with Daniel Conner, one of the pastors at Palm Valley Church. We are visiting Value Baptist Church in Value, Haiti where Palm Valley Church has helped them to build their church building, to visit and encourage them and to see what is happening in the community and surrounding areas. Yesterday we visited the Christian Ministries Center in Port Au Prince after arriving and got to meet some of the theological students and pastors/leaders, as well as tour the facility to learn about the other vocational training classes they have there.
Grandparents are great. They love to spend time with the kids and do fun things that grandparents do. You have to love them for all they do and for how much they love their grandkids, but.....
I have really enjoyed spending some extra time with the kids the last week or so. I have played many board games (including pretty princesses - luckily Julie didn't have the camera handy to snap a shot with the earrings, necklace and crown) and being there when they get home from school etc is fun.
We were eating dinner tonight and Noah asked if I had a new job yet (after all its been 3 days now, right!?). I told him that I was still "looking" and that right now we were being patient and waiting on God, but reassured him that everything would be fine, and God would bring the right job at the right time.
30Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
31Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
For those that may have missed the announcement yesterday, I have stepped down from my job as Executive Pastor at Palm Valley. This was a rough weekend with lots of tears (many more inside than I let show - I didn't know if I was going to be able to hold it together on stage for 4 services, but somehow God got me through) - so many memories of the people and experiences that God has let me be a part of over the last 6 years. So many close friends/co-workers that I will not be doing life with everyday (guys I will certainly miss lunch at Barros every week :)
I have been meaning to post our latest family pics taken before Christmas. So finally, here they are. We can't post name or pictures of our 2 newest family members until the adoption is finalized, but you can keep updated on our adoption blog and we will post pics as soon as possible.
Have you ever asked yourself or someone else or asked God what His will was for you? I think sometimes I/we have this idea that the will of God is this thing we can never comprehend or know. But I think that God is clear that he wants us to know and do his will (Psalm 143:10, Ephesians 5:17, Colossians 1:9)
I've been thinking/studying about faith recently. What is it and how can I wrap my mind around it and tangibly explain it to others? Well, the answer is I can't.
We try to be very diligent about setting aside time for our family to spend time together reading God's word and praying together after dinner. Admittedly there are times when we do better/worse than others. Honestly, often it can be one of the most exhausting things I do all day, and make me just want to give up trying ever again.
This is one of the nicknames Julie has for me - I have always been "frugal". The last couple months I went all out to get our electric bills back under control as they went through the roof this summer (which I found out was partly due to the increase in the APS rate hike). But still, it was just insane - Almost $400 in July!.
For those that haven't heard yet, we have decided to reach out and adopt - 2 kids, hopefully a brother and sister from Ethiopia around Noah and Natalie's ages. Julie and I have both been thinking and praying about this for a while and God has really made it clear to us. We, and the kids are so excited. Of course there are a lot of unknowns at this point in time, but we believe that God is in control and trust in Him completely to see us through the process and bring us 2 of His special children in His perfect timing.
Ok, so it took a little while to get to this 2nd post. I know some of you passed out while holding your breath.
This week, I attended the Catalyst Leadership Conference in Atlanta. I was pretty excited about this conference and the line-up of speakers, but I had no idea how this conference would challenge me.
I love the guys & gals I work with. Without sounding too proud or boastful, they work hard all week long and especially on the weekend, behind the scenes to prepare for what God does at Palm Valley Church every weekend. Its so worth it, as we are blessed to see 1st hand what God is doing in people's lives as he changes them and grows them (and us) along the way. It's awesome to be part of a team that loves and supports each other and works toward a common goal that is so much bigger than ourselves.
This post by my wife is one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time! You have to check it out. Wish I had been a part of the conversation - if you know Julie you know that she tells this story much better in person.
Yesterday morning as I was carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a bowl of cereal balanced on 3 fingers with the grip pressure of my thumb and middle finger, I had a couple thoughts -
Mom & dad let us keep have the dogs for a few days. The kids have love playing on the waterslide with the dogs out there. Yesterday Noah made a mess when he was filling up the dogs water bowls (its always dangerous to give a 7 year old boy a hose). So I looked out the window during dinner last night to see that Winston found a new sleeping spot.
This post is in tribute to my brother-in-law Rob & my sister Jen - I'm sure you guys are working today in the UK - they don't celebrate thanksgiving, and certainly not 4th of July (You guys do have Boxing Day though) - One of these days I hope you chaps can appreciate the whole "The British Are Coming!!" thing - I know it still gets you guys that we through out all that perfectly good tea in Boston. But, seriously, I have to give you props - you guys did have "football" before we did.
Father's Day is usually a special day for me. Aside from getting extra-special hugs and gifts from the world's greatest kids and wife, it always falls on the weekend surrounding my birthday (actually on my birthday like every 4 years), so we end up killing 2 birds with one stone, having all the parents/grandparents over for father's day and birthday celebration. And, if I plan it right, I get to fit in the final round of the US Open - perfect timing this year as it ended right as everyone arrived.