What if God went on vacation??
I was reading this morning in Psalm 104 and for some reason the thought came to me, what if God went on vacation? Really, what if he just said, hey I'm checking out for a couple days, you guys fend for yourselves and let me know how that's working for you. Sometimes its so easy to sit back and think of all the technological advances of man and think we can do anything - I mean really, what did God have to do with putting a man on the moon, right? (except making the moon, and the man who went to the moon, and the man who designed the rocket that sent Apollo to the moon, etc). Or medical advances and technology, or whatever else we want to take credit for today.
So while I was reading about God being the one who pours water out of streams to feed the animals, (PS 104:10 ff) I thought - well, we haven't figured out that one yet. How can we create good ol H2O? And without it, no food for animals, crops for food, and pretty soon everything ceases exist because the entire food chain dies off.
Oh and it sure would be cold tomorrow if God didn't cause the sun to rise (Matthew 5:45). I recall the news report I saw last week about the huge increase in the price of citrus and avocados because of 1 week of freezing weather in California- what if God let it freeze all year or all across the U.S. or the whole world?
Or what if he dried up the oil in the ground... Oh, yea, I guess we forgot that he makes that too (and, no we haven't figured out how to make that either) - our country and most of the world would soon come to a grinding halt - no planes, trains or automobiles.
Or what about the cows that give us milk (can you imagine having to use milk substitute on your cereal, and who could think of a chocolate shake made out of imitation ice cream?? YUK!)
What about God's control over all nature... Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami's, hurricanes.
PS 104:32 32 "He looks at the earth, and it trembles; He touches the mountains, and they smoke."
He sends rain, snow and wind, and causes then them to stop.
What an awesome and unfathomable God who created all things and sustains all things! I hope I'm not around when he goes on vacation :)
You should really read through Psalm 104 today.
Paul said it very well in Colossians 1...
17:He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.
A moment without the Creator holding everything in place would be our last. It's calming to know that same God is the one who made the greatest sacrifice to save us. With that kind of investment, I don't think He's going to be walking away anytime soon... thank God.
Besides, where does the Maker of All Creation go to getaway?
That's funny, the other day asked me who takes care of us while God took his lunch break. I know God doesn't take a lunch break but it made me stop and think about stuff. Thanks for giving me a good perspective Mark!
I find it fascinating that so many secular people preach about how mankind is going to destroy the earth by worsening global warming because we drive SUVs or because we eat steak (some scientists say that cattle flatulence is something like 18% of the world's greenhouse-inducing gasses -- kooky).
When you read verses like this, it kind of makes you chuckle to think that mankind thinks themselves so powerful. God's power is so far above ours. We think that we have such an impact on everything we touch.
If only more people stood in awe of the real power and control that God wields over this planet.
I'm beginning to wonder...
"What if Mark went on vacation?"
Just kidding : )
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