January 19, 2007

Movie Review - Rocky

Well, as a devoted Rocky fan I couldn't NOT see this movie - yes I realize that Sly is now like 70 years old and I was only 5 when the 1st movie came out some 30 years ago now - but come on, its kind of like missing a Star Wars episode or something. Or maybe going back to see Cpt Kirk and Spock in a Star Trek reunion.

I realize that the idea of Rocky coming out of retirement (lets see this is like the 6th time now??) at fighting the current champ is a little overdone, but...

The computerized matchup on ESPN they showed is actually something that was really cool.

So to the actual review... the movie was somewhere around 2 hours and they could have done without about 1 1/2 hours and just cut to the actual training and the fight (thank goodness they didn't do like the 45 minute training scene from Rocky 4, that would have really made this a bear to watch, and I don't think Rocky would have lasted that long in training). The fight was pretty good, but the rest of the movie was typical - really bad acting. Of course there was the traditional run up the stairs scene right before the fight to get you all pumped up, but with no "YO, Adrienne!!!" this movie was not very good - although I think maybe still better than the last one (was that Rocky 5??) So, I would have to give this movie a thumbs down. Don't waste your money. The biggest disappointment is that now I have to go see a chick flick to make up for this loser.

Now, I do think that people might actually pay money to go see a re-make of Rocky 2 with Mr T as Clubber Lange, and Hulk Hogan as "Thunderlips" - Can you image those 3 60 year olds in a Rocky re-remake... possibly the male Gen-Xers dream movie... Ok, maybe not. Guess we'll have to hold out for the next episode of Star Wars. Or maybe Rambo 6 where they call him out of retirement to track down Osama BinLaden in Iraq - now there's a plot that would sell in Hollywood!


At 8:01 AM, Blogger Michael Gray said...

I agree with you on the whole bad acting accusations -- although I thought Stallone did quite well, same with Uncle Pauley.

I have been telling people that the ONLY reason they should pay to see the movie is because of its "Rockyness", meaning that the training/fighting elements can always pump someone up -- even if he has to use the escalator to make it to the top of the stairs now.

I also thought when he got to the top with his mutt, he should have hollered, "YO, PUNCHY!!!" I would have cried.


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